Friday, September 30, 2005

Quiz 4 guide + answers to Quiz 3

Quiz 4 guide

6 questions from EMG lab.
Make sure you go over entire theory of EMG lab from lab manal.
3 identification questions from dorsal view of cat (can be sudivided into parts)
1 question from upcoming lab.

Answers to quiz 3

QUIZ # 3: Muscular Anatomy.

Q1: Which of the following muscles have same function? (10)
1. Temporalis
2. Masseterc
3. Digastric
4. Sternocleidomastoid
Options: a) 1 and 2
b) 2 and 3
c) 1 and 4
d) 2 and 4
Ans1: a) 1 and 2

Q2: _________________ of muscles (any one) exists as a single muscle in human in contrast to cat
A2: Trapezius or deltoid

Q3: a) ____superficial fascia____ is loose connective tissue that binds skin to muscle.

b) The movement where there is straightening of joint (or spine) that results in an increase of the angle of a joint is called ___extension_____ (5 points each)

Q4 & 5: Identify muscles on HE Man. (10 points each)
A4: sartorius or vastus lateralis (A muscle that is not to be remembered was labelled, so I am giving points to those who identified muscles closest to tensor fasciae latae)
A5: vastus medialis

Q 6 to Q 10: Identify muscles on cat (10 points each)
A6 semitendenosus
A7 mylohyoideus
A8 flexor carpi radialis
A9 pectoralis major
A10 sartorius

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Cat muscles lab info + Quiz 3 guide

Hi guys,

I am disappointed with few people who left their plates without washing properly. Make sure that from next time things are cleared up properly. Please let others in your group know about this. If you donot check for updates here and miss something I shall not be responsible for that.

Quiz 3 guide:
Expect identification questions from cat muscles and lower human muscle man
Know function of muscles
I did not discuss this with you in the class however you should be knowing this
a) Muscle structure
b) Body movements
This is on the first page of Human Muscle Anatomy lab in the lab manual

Please let other know about this.

Plus there will be one question from upcoming lab.

I am attaching ventral and dorsal view of cat here. The same you guys have colored. Click on the picture to get full view of it.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Quiz 2 guide

Sorry guys could not put this before weekend.
Please know theory of skeletal system from manual
Surely there will be many identification questions both of skeletal system and human muscles (upper body only)
Also know theory of human muslces (related to upper body only)

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Lab pics

I shall put all the pics individually with a link to some server hosting pics (not until sunday)
For the moment I have made montage of 4 pics I had and kept here. I also wish to include names of you all in the picture only when I know who is who :-)

Sorry guys, thats the best I could get on camera phone.

Any suggestions for these pics, want to put some funny names or whatever. Just write it by clicking on comments or let me know during lab.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

lab 2

I found some useful links for study of bones and human muscles.
I will keep on updating things here as and when I find them more.Your inputs about similar helpful sites are welcome

Bones and skeletal system

Interactive for human muscles

Interactive for cat muscles (some of them might be redundant)

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Sample quiz 1 questions

After talking with few in the last lab I felt I should be putting sample quiz questions just to give you a feel of what you can expect:

1) : Cells of _____________________ are joined by specialized membrane junctions called intercalated discs.
a) Cardiac muscles
b) Skeletal muscles
c) Smooth muscles

2): Name four accessory structures of skin.

3): True or False. The nucleolus moves fluids or particles across the cell surface.

Monday, September 05, 2005

lab 1 + Quiz 1 guide

Structure of Quiz 1:
There will be 10 questions. 9 questions will be from what we did in first lab and 1 question will be from upcoming lab 2. Out of these 9 questions 2 will be identification questions.

Must know for Quiz 1:
a) Microscope, the parts of microscope. If someone labels a particular part of microscope you must be able to identify that.
b) Calculation of magnification factor
c) Cytology: Function of different organelles in cell + role of methyl cellulose when you are trying to analyze behavior of a living cell.
d) Histology of tissues: Must be able to identify different slides that you saw as well as theory for each of them.
Refer chapter 3 Histology in you atlas.
[ I also found two good websites on which there are pictures of slides that you saw. You can visit these sites and do self-study]

e) Study of skin
f) Identification of structures on long bone.

REVIEW section at the end of muscle tissue will be very helpful if solved.

List of slides you saw:
A) Connective tissues
Loose (Aerolar) connective tissue
Adipose Tissue
Human blood
Hyaline cartilage
Elastic cartilage
epithelial tissue
frog skin
stratified squamous epithelium
columnar epithelium
cuboidal epithelium

B) Muscular and neural tissues
skeletal muscle
smooth muscle
cardiac muscle
muscle composite
giant multipolar neuron

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Tips to get better grades

1) To get more out of PNB lab course, make sure you read everything relevant to that days lab from lab manual before coming.

2) Donot finish your work hastily just because it is night class. Take your time till 9:30 pm and I will extend all possible help. Try doing a good job when it comes to cat dissection, bones and observing slides.

3) Keep all quizzes and worksheets with you, they will be helpful for final lab exams.

4) If you have friends in other sections, have a look on their quizzes or even photocopy/write down the questions asked in it. This will help you to prepare for the final lab exam.

5) Please attend all theory classes regularly. Try to intergrate knowledge that you get from theory classes into your lab class.

6) Try to meet with your group people or others from your lab class once a week for 45 mins to 1 hr and discuss with them what has been done and predict what kind of questions might be asked on quizzes. It is easy to do this.

These tips are based on my experience from past three semesters and inputs from students like you. If you have any more suggestions that you think can be helpful to your labmates, please let me know by clicking on comment link below and I will be glad to post it here.